Hillary challenged Mount Everest, I will come again and conquer you because as a mountain you cant grow but as a human i can
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Golden Words
Every king was once a crying baby and every great building was once a blueprint. It's not about where you are today, but where You"ll Reach tomorrow.
Golden Words
Life is all about 3 things : Winning , Losing and Sharing, that is winning others heart, losing bad things and sharing happy moments.
जब भी बोलता हूँ,
थोड़ा सा गिर जाता हूँ,
अपनी ही नज़रों में,
इस गिरेपन के एहसास को लिए उठता हूँ,
और फिर,
एक और झूठ,
मेरा दामन पकड़ कर मुझे नीचे खींच लेता है,
सच बोलना चाहता हूँ,पर घबरा जाता हूँ,
मन में अजीब सा भय,
कुछ किचकिचा सा डर,
जाता है ठहर,
अपने दोस्तों से,
घरवालों से,
सहकर्मियों से,
सीधा सपाट सच कहना,
मन को निर्मल कर के रहना,
इतना कठिन क्यों है,
कितना नीचे पहुँच गया हूँ मैं,
गिरते गिरते,
कैसे कह दूँ की जो कुछ लिख रहा हूँ,
या जो कुछ पढ़ रहा हूँ,
सच है,
या फिर,
(अभिनव शुक्ला )
Golden Words
Soldier: " Sir, we are surrounded by enemies on all sides." Major: " Excellent! We can attack in any direction ! Attitude decides your Success in life.
Golden Words
CHANGE is the nature of life, but CHALLENGE is the aim of life. So, we have to challenge the changes, not changes the challenges...
Golden Words
The simple way for HAPPY LIVING : Forget two things in life : 1) The good you did for others and 2) The bad done by others for you.
Golden Words
Everybody says, " Mistake is the first step of success," but, it is not true, the correction of mistakes is the step of success.